
Welcome to Upstate Birds of Prey's blog! We're glad you're here! This page is a light introduction to who we are, and what we are! First, we also have a website (click here), a Facebook page (click here), and a YouTube Channel (click here) as well! You can check those out at your leisure. Facebook is updated almost daily - so be sure and "like" our page!

What we are...
Upstate Birds of Prey is a non-profit North American birds of prey rehabilitation facility based in Tallassee, Tennessee. We treat raptors from Blount County, as well as surrounding counties within the borders of the state of Tennessee. We were established to assist in the capture, rehabilitation, and release back into nature, injured and orphaned birds of prey. We work bilaterally with raptor rehabbers from around the country, as well as veterinarians. You can read many stories of capture, treatment, and release in our blog. Along with rehabilitation we also do educational workshops. We do many public releases (which are open to everyone at no cost), and always provide a small "class" beforehand on the raptor to be released. We also teach classes in schools, community centers, and churches. Education concerning these noble creatures we believe is crucial - it fosters a sense of responsibility towards wildlife, and doing our part as humans.

Natalie Mong is literally Upstate Birds of Prey. She's
the founder and sole rehabilitator. She works day and night to care for injured and orphaned birds of prey which have been brought into her care. Her husband, Tim, is the other half of Upstate Birds of Prey. He loves caring for the raptors as much as Natalie does. A lot of the cost for the rehab facility are offset by Tim's carpentry skills. There are many amazing volunteers, and board members whom are the gears of Upstate which keep us moving.

We are a 501c(3) organization, and all contributions made on behalf of our animal care is tax deductible. Since Upstate Birds of Prey is a 501(3) Organization (a Public Charity) we operate solely off the generous donations of individuals and corporations. Every board member and volunteer offer their time and talents without receiving anything monetary in return. In saying such we have many ways in which donations can be made; via Paypalgoodsearch.com, snail mail, corporate donations, and/or your time and energy. We cannot operate without YOU - so please, take this greatly into consideration.

There is a lot more that goes into Upstate, but we wanted to keep it light, so we'll wrap it up here. Should you have any question at all, please, please, please do not hesitate to ask. If you want to know more about what we do, who we are, about North American birds of prey, or about how to volunteer - just ask! You can email us at Natalie@UpstateBirdsOfPrey.org, or message us on Facebook. If you want to talk to someone personally, please contact us and we will provide a phone number for you to call. I do believe it was Confucius which said: “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Let us here at Upstate tell you - Confucius was right.

Upstate Birds of Prey

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