Sunday, March 24, 2013

Touch 'N Go

Tráthnóna maith!
That would be 'good evening' in Irish. It is still March you know - so we're just dragging St. Patty's day out a little. We do hope everyone is fairing well in this bipolar East Tennessee weather. If you've lived here long enough you're used to it, but for new residents it can cause whiplash. Let's get on to what everyone came here for, shall we? 

First, we'd like to share a couple more photos from Lucy's release last Saturday. We'd like to extend a thank you to Dr. Ellen Rudolph for the amazing shots!

She's "camoed" in about 3/4 of the way up on the left
hand side perched on a small branch.
Right before the release.

Next Roscoe, our Great Horned Owl, is a moseying right along. We are still keeping a close watch on his eye, and he is progressing slowly but surely. He will go for a check up this week with the veterinarian. If all goes well, and his eye continues down this road to recovery we will be able to release him soon enough! Aside from his eye, he is doing very well, and we are sure he is ready to get back to tearing up the night skies!

Now for Rocky, our newest patient, a Red Tailed Hawk. Rocky's condition is a bit sketchy at this current time. It is really "touch 'n go" with him. He has started using his injured leg more as of late, and is actually perching on it. This is wonderful progression, and we hope to see more of it. Along with the good news also comes the not so good; he is also having digestive issues. We are closely monitoring this of course, and hope this also will come a full 180° turn around. We are hoping for the best with Rocky, but are always cognizant that nature will ultimately take whatever course it chooses. Here are some heartening photos of his leg progression.

Trying desperately to perch!
Almost fully perching!

As always ladies and gents we will do our best to keep you as informed and up to date as we can! Life here at Upstate is exhilarating, and we do our best to keep the blog as up to date as possible. Should questions or comments arise don't be bashful, please ask away! Education is one of our main goals, and we want people to take advantage of any knowledge we can pass along.


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