Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hello everyone!
Friday night at Tate's School of Discovery went GREAT. The turn out of parents, kids, staff, etc. was inspiring. To see a group of people who love wildlife, especially raptors, as much as we do is a testament to the need for what we do.
Mrs. Melissa White, first grade teacher at Tate's and President of Upstate Birds of Prey will be posting a copy of the news article that will be run in several local papers on our facebook page.  She will also be letting everyone know what papers will be running the article about Ruby's release.
If you did not see the event posted on our facebook and missed the release please feel free to click on the link above and you can always follow us on facebook as well. You do not have to join facebook to do so! 

Please while on facebook look at the photos of Ruby and all of our raptors currently at Upstate Birds of Prey and those we have released. 
Currently Upstate Birds of Prey does not have a designated Social Media person so updates to both the blog and facebook may not happen at the same time. We appreciate your patience during this time of growth and change!

  This is how Ruby looked when she came to us. She collided with a car and had severe head trauma!

Here is a photo of Ruby happy, healthy and ready to get back out into the world! This photos catches her red phase coloring beautifully!

 I want to personally thank all of you for your support!
Natalie Mong
Director of Rehab, Education and Founder 

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