Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Life in the Fast Lane

Good day Upstate guru's! 
Spring is officially, and unofficially here! Though this Spring is far cooler than the last. Maybe this will mean a mild summer. I imagine everyone could get used to that. We have been uber busy here at Upstate, and I deeply apologize for the delay in updates. As the days grow longer on our little slice of the planet, so our list of things to accomplish seems to grow as well! We aren't complaining, but rejoicing in the fact that God trust us with so much!

So let's get on with the updates, shall we?
First, Roscoe, our Great Horned buddy! After his last appointment we had to order special ophthalmic ointment compounded at a pharmacy in New Jersey. We just received the ointment this week, and are putting it in his eye four times a day. Hopefully, his next doctor's appointment will show greater improvement. His eye is so swollen from the injury that we cannot even place him in a mew. With his injury dust and pollen cannot be properly flushed or moved out of the eye as they normally would be. As you can see Roscoe is having a difficult journey, but we are doing our best, and are hoping for a release sooner or later.

Remember our baby owl? The first grade students from Tatte's School (this is where Melissa, who notified us that this baby needed our help, teaches) wanted to help us out by naming the owlet, so they voted to name this baby Great Horned Owl Sophie! We think they picked an excellent name, and we appreciate their help. Sophie has been putting on the grams! When we rescued her on April 6, 2013 she weighed 1,012 grams, and on April 13 she weighed 2,588 grams! This means she gained 1,576 grams! Whoa! We can be pretty sure this is a female due to the weight, but once again we can never be positive without testing. Sophie is doing great, and we can see a exciting release in the future!

On to some super exciting news! Lowe's Home Improvement in Maryville, Tennessee was kind enough to help with the pricing of materials to finish the inside of the hospital. We put in wiring, more lighting, a refrigerator, insulation, drywall, flooring, paint, and shelving. They were so helpful! They are planning to continue to help us as we build our mews and flight pens. A huge thanks to Lowes for your ongoing support! 

Earlier in the year we sent out two lists for pricing lumber for two mews, and one flight pen. The local lumber and building company Anderson Lumber Company in Alcoa, TN came in with an offer so generous that we are able to increase from our originally planned two mews and one flight pen, to eight mews and two flight pens! Wow! The bid from Anderson Lumber Company also put us in a position to add two mews to the hospital. You can see in the photo of the place where one mew is going up. The bid is also putting us in position to build two huge flight pens, and still build a six mew condo with a hallway/work area all under roof! After we organize the hospital we will post photos of the new beautiful inside, and the new mew! Three of the mews will be 10'x10'x8', another four will be 6'x8'x8', and for reference our current mew measures 6'x10'x8'. The flight pens will both be 10'x50'x12'. Another HUGE thanks to Anderson Lumber Company for all your support!

As you can read we are moving right along with the graciousness of our local companies! Dorothy Height said "Without community service, we would not have a strong quality of life. It's important to the person who serves as well as the recipient. It's the way in which we ourselves grow and develop." Thanks be to our community for taking the same interest in our local raptors as we do. Speaking of our patients they are as well moving right along! It's a busy time here at Upstate, so hold onto your hats, and we hope you enjoy the ride with us!

Buckled in,

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