Friday, April 5, 2013

Rocky - Peppy & Perching

Greetings Upstate followers!
I hope everyone is well!

We would like to give everyone an update on Rocky, our Red Tail Hawk. He is peppy and perching! We took him out to the mew today, and provided him with some artificial rain. In other words we squirted him down with warm water in spray bottles. The bath did him a lot of good mentally as he was able to rouse (shake) his feathers, fully spread his wings, and preen himself using his oil gland. The preening is a very welcomed action for we want to make sure that does not get a blockage from lack of use. He is weak as far a flying is concerned, but we have no reason to believe he is not or will not be fully flighted.

To look at a bird several times a day that we once thought would never make it, and now see him perching (he still has a long way to go with that foot, but it has come amazingly far in just two weeks) gives us encouragement. It also gives us faith in that what we are doing for these birds is in fact working and effective. 

Here at Upstate Birds of Prey we have not been slowly growing. We have neither been taking in "easy" rehab cases. We are taking this all head on, God is guiding our hands, providing awesome volunteers, given us Dr. Jones and Dr. Greenacre from UT, and the list of blessing goes on and on. Thank you so much for your support! 


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